capoeira deadlyness of capoeira music and capoeira

Lungs-Largeintestines - Stomach-Spleen - Heart-Smallintestine - Unitarybladder-Kidneys - Pericardium-Tripleheaters - Gallbladder-Liver

Traditional Chinese Medicine acupuncture - moxabustion - cupping - acupressure Aromatherapy - herbal medicine Hypnotherapy for the mind - body - spirit qigong/taiji metaphysical exercise

About Capoeira

Capoeira clubs are welcoming fun, friendly and something to try if its fun and fitness and a really good time you are after.
Meditation has traditionally been the cornerstone to any good martial art.

learn about capoeira

A Brazilian martial art developed by African slaves during the 16th century that was banned by the Brazilian government for most of its history.
Capoeira is full of fun and is ascetically beautiful to watch with spectacular kicks, back-flips, cartwheels and sweeping movements. Capoeira has very little defensive movements but instead players tend to evade an attack followed by counter-attack with a kick, head-butt or hand strike.
Blocks, kicks and sweeps with the legs are a large majority of the time performed in a handstand or learn about capoeiracartwheel position although hand strikes are also develop to use as an attack if needed.
Capoeira practice is usually accompanied with the sound of a berimbau a bow type instrument that dictates the rhythm and speed of the practice performance.

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Capoeira probably originated from black Angolans who had practiced it in their country as a religious dance. In the 16th century people from all over Africa were stolen and forced into slave labour. Some slaves were sold in Brazil where slaves continued to practice there religious dances transforming the Capoeira dances into a deadly self defense martial art.
Slaves hands were chained most of the time - so around 80-90% of Capoeira is executed in a handstand or cartwheel striking and blocking with the feet and legs, the other 10-20% of an attack consists of head-butting and some hand strikes.
In the 17th century some slaves tried to form their own republic to escape their bonds but were eventually beaten.
Many were killed but the ones that escaped made new lives in villages all over Brazil teaching the
Capoeira techniques to all who wanted to learn. Capoeira has moved in and out of favour over its history, and was outlawed in 1890 with the threat of deportation and imprisonment to anyone that practice it.
In 1928 Capoeira  was finally officially recognized by the Brazilian government and in 1972 became the official sport of Brazil.

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